Usopp was the third member to join the Straw Hats crew. He’s the sniper of the crew and usually uses Slingshots with different types of ammunition. His shots have high degree of accuracy and perfection. Devil Fruits had been a great source of enhancement of powers among the One Piece characters since the beginning of the story. Some of the Devil Fruits provide such powers to their users which are highly suitable for Usopp.
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There are several Devil Fruits which are capable of enhancing the abilities of Usopp like his sniping techniques and his overall strength. Usually, Usopp has acted like a coward but he has also saved his friends several times showing surprising bravery. Whenever it’s needed, he stands firmly to protect his friends and crewmates. Fortunately, there are several Devil Fruits that can make him 10 times more stronger and also increase his defensive and supportive abilities.
Accurate Targeting
Mark-Mark Devil Fruit

The Mark-Mark Devil Fruit was first introduced before the Straw Hats in Fish-Man Island Arc. This fruit enables it’s user to hit anyone from any location at any time. The condition is that the user must have touched that person or object once. After that when the user throws any axe or object, it will travel towards the targeted person or object until it hits something. Thus this Devil Fruit is suitable for snipers like Usopp.
By the use of this Devil Fruit, Usopp will be able to attack it’s opponents with a bullet or axe while hiding. Although, Usopp won’t be able to control the object’s movement but if he’s lucky, the object will hit the target with precise accuracy. The only factor which can interrupt the object from hitting the target is that if some other person of object comes in it’s path and gets hit instead. Mostly, Usopp prefers staying away from the enemies but for this Devil fruit, he must change his fighting tactics.
Controlling the Enemy
Hollow-Hollow Devil Fruit

The Hollow-Hollow Devil Fruit allows it’s user to make ghosts of different shapes and sizes according to the user’s ability to control them. These ghosts are not affected by physical touches, they cannot be defeated by physical attacks. If they pass through any person they can cause a surge of negative emotions in that person leaving him on his knees feeling defeated. During the Thriller Bark Pirates plot, a character named Perona used the Hollow-Hollow Fruit on Usopp and because of this, Usopp already knows how to use this Devil Fruit.
This Fruit can help Usopp to bring his enemies on their knees, providing him opportunity to either kill them or escape from them. By this Devil Fruit, the user can also create Mini Hollows. Mini Hollows are small ghosts which stick to the opponents and explode on command of the user. Moreover, Usopp can also produce astral projections which will distract or irritate the enemy.
Deceptively Durable Glass
Barrier-Barrier Devil Fruit

Usopp doesn’t like getting hit. This preference of Usopp makes Barrier-Barrier Devil Fruit suitable from him. As clear from it’s name, Barrier-Barrier Fruit allows it’s user to create barriers around themselves. Although, these barriers look like fragile tinted glass but they are of great strength and unbreakable. The power of these barriers can be made clear by the fact that one of the most strongest swordsmen, Kozuki Oden was unable to destroy these barriers.
Creating these barriers is not any difficult thing to do. The user just have to cross their fingers and the barriers forms ultimately. These barriers can not only block the attacks of certain weapons but also blocks the attack of any other Devil Fruit. On top of everything, Usopp can use these barriers to not only protect himself but also his friends.
Blamenco’s Devil Fruit
Pocket-Pocket Devil Fruit

In Whitebeard’s crew, there were only few Devil Fruit users, among which, Blamenco was one of them. The Devil Fruit possessed by him was Pocket-Pocket Devil Fruit. This Fruit is not flashy, but is useful as it allows it’s user to create various pockets on their body to carry different objects.
Usopp can store ammunition, weapons, dials and sniper attachments in these pockets. He can also store large objects in these pockets which cannot be fit in normal pockets. It was also declared by Oda that if Usopp gets to eat any Devil Fruit, it would be Pocket-Pocket Fruit.
Weaponizing the Body
Arms-Arms Devil Fruit

Usopp has profound expertise in using slingshots. By the use of Arms-Arms Devil Fruit, Usopp will be able to have a real sniper rifle. This Devil Fruit allows it’s users to convert any part of their body into a weapon or even transform their entire body into a weapon. It’s a unique Paramecia because it allows partial regeneration like Logia. However, the regeneration is only possible if the damage is done to the weaponized part.
By the use of Arms-Arms Devil Fruit, Usopp will be able to convert it’s arm into a loaded sniper rifle and bring down his enemies. His sharpshooting skills would make him a powerful long-range threat, and help him to fire the missile with more accuracy. He can block various attacks, for instance, if he’s being attacked by a sword, he can escape the attack by transforming any part of huis body into a sword.
Impactful Words
Pump-Pump Devil Fruit

The Pump-Pump Devil Fruit made it’s first appearance during the Reverie Arc. This fruit allows it’s user to encourage and motivate people with their words to fight back the opponents. Also, this Devil Fruit does not allow any sort of mind controlling or hypnotizing, it just enhances the already existing will of the target. On hearing these motivating words, a spirit to fight back and physical strength gets induced in the people.
Currently, this Devil Fruit is possessed by Belo Betty, she’s a revolutionist therefore, this Devil Fruit is suitable for her. She motivated the people to stand against and fight the Celestial Dragons and the World Government. Usopp can use this Devil Fruit Power to encourage his allies during war, leading to ultimate enhancement of their power in the battle field.
Healing of Injuries
Heal-Heal Devil Fruit

Heal-Heal Devil Fruit has been an important part of Doflamingo’s crew. As the name suggests, this Devil Fruit has the ability to heal the wounds and injuries of people and even put their body parts back together. There’s no limit of the healing power of this Devil Fruit. It was used by Doflamingo’s crew on a large extent.
The healing power comes from the user’s tears, but they can also produce healing water in their palms. As it is certain, that Usopp cries a lot, this Devil Fruit can easily be used by him for healing himself as well as his friends. Although Straw Hats are strong but they do get injured the battles, so this Devil Fruit can be helpful for them especially if Chopper, their doctor is out of access or injured himself.
Photonic Transitions
Glint-Glint Devil Fruit

Glint-Glint Devil Fruit allows it’s user to create or transform into light along with making the users undefeatable against non-Haki attacks allowing these attacks to pass through the user’s body without causing any damage. Usopp can have benefits from this Devil Fruit as he’ll be able to transform into light and move with great speed escaping the attacks of the opponents or run away if he feels scared. This Devil Fruit was introduced before Usopp during the fight with Admiral Kizaru on Sabaody Archipelago.
Glint-Glint Fruit can easily be incorporated with the sniping tactics of Usopp as this Devil Fruit will allow him to fire lasers with high degree of accuracy. These lasers are this much strong that they can penetrate through anything and cause huge explosions.
Clear-Clear Devil Fruit

Another potential Devil Fruit is the Clear-Clear Devil Fruit which was introduced in Thriller Bark Arc. By the use of this Devil Fruit, it’s users can make themselves completely invisible. Generally, this Devil Fruit can help it’s user to escape dangerous attacks, perform lethal attacks being hidden, However, for Usopp, it can help him to fire snipper while being on distance from the target.
Additionally, the ability to become invisible is not limited to the user only, the user can also disappear anything either living or non-living. The most significant property of this Devil Fruit in case of Usopp is that he can hide himself during fights but there lies a possibility that the individuals with advanced observation Haki will be able to detect him.
Weaponless Explosions
Bomb-Bomb Devil Fruit

The Bomb-Bomb Devil Fruit allows it’s user to explode any part of their body damaging the surroundings. The power further extends to small things of user like their breath, snots and hair. During the Whisky Peaks and Little Garden Arcs, the Straw Hats became the victims of Bomb-Bomb Devil Fruit’s power. This fruit is of high potential causing an increase in the performance of it’s user during battles.
As an owner of Bomb-Bomb Devil Fruit, Usopp can even turn his boogers in explosive bullets. Same for his hair, he can roll his hair strands and transform it in a small explosive ball. If he’s being attacked by multiple opponents at the same time, he can transform his entire body into explosive mass. This explosion will not harm the user, as the Bomb-Bomb Fruit makes it’s user immunized against any explosion.
Usopp’s character is a fusion of bravery, skills and cunningness. Although, his performance in battlefield is appreciable but there are several Devil Fruits which can help to increase his power like Hollow-Hollow Fruit, Barrier-Barrier Fruit, Mark-Mark Fruit, Arms-Arms Fruit, Glint-Glint Fruit, Bomb-Bomb Fruit, Pump-Pump Fruit and many more. There are many things feared by Usopp but, by the use of these fruits, he will easily overcome his fear and weaknesses. These Fruits are beneficial not only for Usopp but will also facilitate his crewmates by helping Usopp to protect, hide or heal them.
These fruits will only amplify Usopp’s potential and help him face his fears with courage. However, without any Devil Fruit, Usopp is still a key character of One Piece with pre-existing strength, power and loyalty.
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