Over the last few chapters of One Piece Manga, a lot of new information have been provided to the fans about the current scenarios of the Revolutionary army and the traits of the infamous Monkey D Dragon and most importantly, his overconfidence and lack of resilience when it comes to save his friends or his subordinates from any threat. These characteristics have somehow converted him into a controversial figure among the fans. The reason behind this might be that, by doing this, Oda is trying to set the basis of the answer of one of the most popular query of fans that who was Luffy’s mother and what happened to her?
Table of Contents
There had been more than 100 chapters of One Piece and readers don’t know a single word about Luffy’s mom. Neither Luffy, nor his Grandfather Garp and father Dragon have discussed anything about her. However, as it is certain that Luffy’s father-Dragon struggles to say anything at all but there’s no doubt about the fact that he’s the one who knows about Luffy’s Mother. This might be the reason why Oda has never directly involved him in any conflict just yet since who else is the person whom Oda could use to explain the situation about Luffy’s Mom.
Secrecy of Dragon’s Family
Luffy’s grandfather Garp can also be the one to disclose about Luffy’s mom but he won’t do this as he is in custody of the Blackbeard Pirates for now. However, Garp was the one who revealed that Dragon was Luffy’s father in the first place. Now, It’s Dragon’s turn to say something other than dot, dot, dot. It is certain that Dragon has always kept quiet about his family life infront of everyone. Even two of his original Commanders in the Revolutionary Army are completely unaware of it, Ivankov wasn’t even sure that Dragon had a child and when Kuma questioned Dragon about this, Dragon said:
“A child is a parents weak spot.”
Dragon further said:
“If you keep talking about this you might as well kill me yourself.”

Luffy was born after the beginning of the Revolutionary Army, so how could dragon have possibly kept this all a secret? This shows that dragon is the only character who can disclose about Luffy’s mom and there is also a deep and probably dark past regarding Luffy’s origins that have been kept as a mystery which should be resolved. This is on top of whatever else is going on with dragon’s backstory because he left the Marines, joined the Freedom Fighters and started the Revolutionary Army before the birth of Luffy.
Difference Between Dragon, Luffy and Garp
What keeps readers involved is that Dragon’s attitude is different from what type of actions his son and father would have taken, as it has been seen that Luffy and Garp confidently charge in to save their friends and comrades time and time without any planning while Dragon is like the master planner.
Dragon has not always been like this, there definitely is something which changed him. There lies a probability that he acted like Luffy and Garp in past but one time he had avery bitter experience in doing so, so this may be the reason why he doesn’t go after his comrades or even Shaka.
Theories Regarding Luffy’s Mom
There are countless theories out there already about Luffy’s mom from Crocomom to maybe her being the missing Empress of Amazon Lily who was recently revealed in an SPS to be someone named Toritoma which makes that theory a bit less likely because why would Oda ruin that reveal.

There’s even theories about her maybe being a commoner something like Porcus D. Rouge who was amazing for keeping Ace in her womb for 2 years but she wasn’t a major character in the grand scheme of things.
One theory that has been around for a long time that is that Luffy’s mom was a Celestial Dragon but if she was a Celestial Dragon, she wouldn’t just be any old Celestial Dragon, she would be some kind of important figure.
Luffy is basically the chosen one-the Warrior of Liberation and the future pirate king so while it’s a good idea that his mom is just like a normal person. This is a chosen one story at the end of the day as Luffy’s dad is the leader of the revolutionaries, his grandpa is the legendary hero of the Marines and his mentor is an Emperor of the sea and former Apprentice of Roger and Tracing back to Roger visiting Fishman Island, the Sea King spoke about how two sovereigns were almost born.
One clearly being Shirahoshi, the newest iteration of P. Zidane and the other is probably Luffy because he’s the newest iteration of Joy Boy, who is surely meant to return and make good on Joy boy’s apology by helping the Fishman return to the surface.
Queen Otohime’s Predictions
Queen Otohime is a crucially important character with tons of ties to the celestial dragons. Her goal was to fight for peace with the humans. Despite all the oppression faced by the fishman from the Nobles, she wanted the fishman to live on the surface, to see the Sun and everything else the world had to offer. Similarly, Luffy wanted the same, so there’s a possibility that Luffy’s mom parallels Otohime. However, on other hand, being a Celestial Dragon that tried to change the other Celestial Dragons from within, maybe she even tried to protect the fishman and the other slaves of the holy land, she could have even opposed all their native cleansings.

Queen Otohime even mentioned that there will be someone who appears one day, who can guide Shirahoshi and show her the right path and It would be very surprising if that’s anybody but Luffy.
At this point, it’s highly possible that it isn’t Vander Decken, so that prophecy intertwines their stories even more, showing they were destined to meet and lead the world into to the dawn. This connection about the two sovereigns is what lit the fire behind this entire theory because if these are the two sovereigns who were born into some kind of Destiny then perhaps their Origins will mirror each other in some way too.
Reunion of Sovereigns
The place which mirrors Fishman Island at the bottom of the sea, better than the holy land of Mary Geoise is right above it, at the top of the Red line. Maybe one Sovereign was born at the very bottom and one was born at the very top.
It doesn’t matter if they started in completely opposite positions, yet, one day, they’re going to work together and bring both groups to the middle. It is expected that Luffy will bring the Celestial Dragons down by destroying the Red line while Shirahoshi will bring the fishmen up to the surface by using the ark Noah.

Luffy and Shirahoshi are like the example of children of two opposing factions working together for a common good because this is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the connections between fishman and Celestial dragons.
Ryugu Palace which is the home of the fishmen royalty, features a giant dragon on top of it. Because of Kaido’s devil fruit, the fish-fish fruit model Azure Dragon, it is clear that in One Piece, dragons and fish are basically cut from the same cloth and it’s not known why the Celestial Dragons are called by that name just yet but the dragon factor between the two groups is pretty strong.
The most important and unfortunate tie between these groups is that the Celestial Dragons have a very long history of enslaving fishman which has given rise to a lot of the tensions that the fishman felt towards humans as they experiened the worst type of humans more than any other and there are plenty of examples of this like the auction house where Luffy punched Charlos or when Shirahoshi was almost captured twice during the recent reverie or even the entire Fisher Tiger story which basically goes hand-in-hand with Otohime story.
The One Parallel to Dragon
It is possible that Fisher Tiger could even parallel Dragon which makes his whole story even more convincing, as he saves slaves directly from Mary Geoise like the revolutionaries did during the most recent reverie. The Revolutionaries have been seen doing same in other places such as Tequila Wolf or the islands that they had liberated. It is certain that Dragon also holds a serious disdain for the Celestial Dragons on a similar level to Fisher Tiger. Although, it remains a mystery why Dragon feels this way. Moreover, Koala serves as a connection between these characters. Here’s how:
- She was taken home by Fisher Tiger.
- Later on, Tiger died and she joined the Revolutionary Army after sometime.
- Their names are also similar as they both have names of two animals within it; Monkey D dragon and Fisher Tiger.
Fisher is close enough to fish but “Monkey” can be taken in a disrespectful way to refer to a human, while “Fish” can be a disrespectful way to refer to a Fishmen so that could be a connection.
Similarities between the Two Plots
Jinbe also, once discussed about the contrasting styles of Otohime and Fisher Tiger, where Otohime endured the suffering of today for a better future, while Fisher Tiger abandoned the hope for future and helped people in the present.
If Luffy’s parents mirror these two characters, they seem similar to Fisher Tiger and Otohime but the difference is that the personalities were flipped, where Dragon endures the hardships of today or makes his subordinates endure the hardships hoping for a better future without the Celestial Dragons while Luffy’s mom was more like Fisher Tiger who abandoned the future so that she could help the people of today and released slaves too like Tiger did.
In Chinese mythology dragons and tigers are rivals, where the dragons are known for their patience and wisdom while tigers are usually depicted as owners of massive strength and defeating their opposition aggressively. This probably represents the tie between Otohime and Fisher Tiger because Otohime was inspired by a sea goddess who turned into a dragon.
Oda’s Creating the Plot With Monkey D Dragon & Luffy’s Mother
The way Otohime fought for equality on behalf of the enslaved, it can happen that Luffy’s mom fought for equality amongst the enslavers to try and make the Celestial Dragons treat people of the world with equality and perhaps, like Otohime, She too was even killed by her own people as Hody Jones killed Otohime and framed a human for this to make the tensions between the groups even worse.
Recently, same happened to a Celestial Dragon because of Donquixote Mjosgard, who ties very closely to Otohime as she saved his life 10 years ago, when he crashed at Fishman Island. She even took a bullet for him. The reason, why he was put to death after the levely incident was because he repaid the favor to Otohime by protecting her daughter Shirahoshi.

The butterfly effect of that moment was insane but what’s even more surprising is that the one, who put Mosgaard to death was Figin Garling-a supreme commander of the God’s Knights. The God’s Knights are responsible for ruling on issues between Celestial Dragons. Additionally, It was Dragon who recently brought up the God’s Knights, warning that their mobilization is a serious matter. This suggests Dragon knows that this group poses a significant threat.
Oda seems to be hinting that there will eventually be a confrontation between the two groups, perhaps because he has a pass with them through Luffy’s mom. There’s also a question if they were responsible for her death as they were for Miard’s. Maybe, she also decided to protect someone innocent. Mosgaard, somehow, is still alive because, it’s One Piece and he’s only seen on the cross. This point still remains that this connection could provide an amazing reveal when the God’s Knights finally get into action with Dragon confronting Garling.
Connection Between The Dragon & Luffy’s Mother
It’s interesting, how Dragon’s organizations never had any money, which is the reason because of which Vegapunk couldn’t join them. It would be a great contrast to the Celestial Dragons, who had nothing but wealth. It’d be surprising if it turns out that Luffy’s mom was giving Dragon some of the money, that she got from from the Celestial Tribute so he could redistribute it to the poor countries.
Dragon was on his way to becoming the most wanted man in the world before Luffy’s birth because the Revolutionary Army started 3 years prior to that. The mystery is that how he even met Luffy’s mom in the first place. If she, truly was a Celestial Dragon, it’s not easy for an outsider to get close to them and become friends with them, specially for a wanted criminal like Dragon.
He would also need enough exposure to her, for developing a connection. The confusion arises that no matter who the woman was because Luffy was born after the Revolutionary Army started, yet somehow, neither Kuma nor Ivankov knew about him until much later which points towards the fact that Dragon definitely had a connection in the past.

The story begins when Dragon joined the Marines at the age 16. Now, at 18, He’s carrying out important missions on his own so the logistics. Dragon was born 55 years ago in the Goa Kingdom. Eventually, he decided to join the Marines on command of his father Garp. However, he decided to leave the Marines because, according to him, he found no justice there.
Dragon and Akainu are the same exact age which means they probably enlisted around the same time. Whatever it was that made Dragon leave in the first place was further cement to Akainu’s loyalty and his pursuit of absolute Justice. Now,they both are the leaders of opposing factions, it is possible that Oda is going to cook up something special between the two at some point.
It can be considered that Dragon decided to leave the Marines some time, before 25 years ago which is the earliest that has been ever heard of his involvement with Freedom Fighters. By that point, Dragon had even established a strong reputation for himself as Kuma has been seen looking at his poster as if he was some kind of role model. This implies that Dragon was probably doing his thing for a while by that point. Considering the major event that occurred between 25 and 55 years ago in the One Piece world that made Dragon give up on the Marines is God Valley Incident.
Dragon & the God Valley Incident
The God Valley incident which happened 38 years ago, when Dragon was 17 years old. It was the right age for a mid-level military recruit.
Dragon was probably a prodigy, but the reason that God Valley is important in this context is that it could have provided the perfect chance for Dragon to meet Luffy’s mom. At God Valley, Celestial Dragons came and did a native cleansing where they basically wanted to wipe out the constituents of that Island for sport. This could have fueled Dragon’s disdain for the Celestial Dragons, that he still has today. Imagining the young Dragon at God Valley, acting like Coby did in Marine Fort, where he heard the voices of everyone dying around him. He wanted to save the innocent and opposed helping the Celestial Dragons in violence.

The fact that Kuma, Ivankov and Ginny were all at God Valley as well, it makes intuitive sense that Dragon would have been there too. Maybe all of them had their views on the world changed by that event. For Dragon, it could have been similar to what Ohara was to Kuzan because witnessing such atrocities happening to innocent people, resulting in the entire Island being wiped out. Such circumstances can definitely transform a person, but the silver lining in all that is, it could have been the start of Dragon’s connection with Luffy’s mom.
The God Valley incident can be connection between Dragon and Luffy’s mother because the Celestial Dragons rarely leave Mary Geoise. But when they do, they are probably escorted by marine. If any one of the Celestial Dragon gets hurt, they trigger a whole Buster call, so it can be considered that the Marines might be tasked with protecting them when they’re out at Sea and in this way Dragon met Luffy’s mom and he was in charge of escorting her which gave them time to have some dialogue with one another.
This caused Dragon to think that not all Celestial Dragons are same, like Pirates Marines and so forth, some are good and some are bad. Luffy’s mom, even opposed the cleansings entirely and never wanted to get off the boat. Maybe, she tried getting her people to quit them all together which had drawn Dragon towards her. This could parallel Luffy meeting Boa Hancock when he was 17 years old. Similarly, Dragon would have theoretically met Luffy’s mom when he was 17.
Garp Was Not Supposed to Be at God Valley
This idea lines up Boa Hancock also escorted Luffy to a Marine base after they met, so, maybe Dragon escorted Luffy’s mom somewhere to flip that idea on its head. Another potential tie to this whole escorting idea, could be how Garp was the one, tasked with escorting the fishmen during the recent reverie. Another twist is that Garp was not supposed to be at God Valley. He was on vacation and got called in, because Roger showed up.
Now the question arises that who was helping to escort the Nobles in his absence? Maybe, it was his son- Dragon. If Dragon earned some kind of big promotion, that not only gave him the authority to escort the celestial dragons but also earned him the Wind Logia Devil Fruit that so many people theorize as a lot of high-ranking Marines were given Wind Logia Devil Fruit, usually, it’s the Admirals but even Vice Admirals as well such as Kuzan and Ohara who still had the ice fruit.
Dragon, being a prodigy, being Monkey D Garp’s son, he was probably given the Wind Logia early, as it would also help him protect the Celestial Dragons.

Logia seems like a likely option for Dragon because every time Dragon is shown, Wind is also seen around somewhere. Whenever, he was in Loguetown, there’s a big gust of wind if you go back to when great terminal was burnt 12 years ago. Strong winds were experienced in the area. When Dragon saved Sabo, a little twirl of wind near his feet has been seen in the anime.
If God Valley was the thing, that caused Dragon to leave the Marines, whether he did it immediately or even a few years later after having time to reflect on it, The Wind Logia fruit would have been the perfect tool to let him, still visit Luffy’s mom on the regular. He could sneak into the Holy Land like a breeze in the wind and update Luffy’s mom about the people he’s been freeing worldwide.
This parallels Usopp visiting Kaya where Usopp would tell her these grand stories of his adventures. Luffy’s mom would probably be stuck in Mary Geoise just like Kaya was stuck in her Mansion. Even if she did want to come down from the red line it’s not like the world would readily accept her while knowing her past, as a noble. This situation mirrors Doflamingo and his family, after homing moved them down from the Red line.
Forbidden Love of the D-Clan Criminal & a Celestial Dragon
Dragon and Luffy’s mom would have definitely had to keep their relationship a secret just like Kaya and Usopp because Dragon is a major criminal and also a D-Clan member. If Imu or the Gorosei found out that a Celestial Dragon is having kids with someone who held the initial D, they would probably kill them on spot, just like they did to Cobra. Luffy, being a chosen one, having both the blood of the Nobles and the D Clan could be a major part of what makes him so special like Bonney, who is also half Celestial Dragon. She also went gear fifth by using her own Devil fruit powers.
There’s something special to the DNA of Celestial Dragons that actually makes people grow and become more powerful, which is a good contrast to the will of D because that doesn’t depend upon the lineage factor or the DNA, it depends upon the inherited will itself. The D Clan and Celestial Dragons are like opposing families, where one is about the actual bloodline and other is about the inherited Will.

Regardless of the “Forbidden Love” angle between Dragon and Luffy’s mom, Dragon kept it a secret, because it won’t be good for his freedom fighter friends. It would have a poor impact on his reputation, if the Revolutionary Army found out he’s involved with one of the exact people they’re trying to take down. Regardless of what Dragon was doing between 38 and 25 years ago, he probably had to meet Luffy’s mom in secrecy and Wind Logia ability would be perfect for that, allowing him to travel around quickly. Moreover, Kuma’s main power is sending people around the world very quickly but Dragon was also able to do that but even better.
If Luffy’s mom’s overarching goal was to change the Celestial Dragons from within, while she stayed in Mary Geoise, Dragon went out and did it in the outside world by liberating the countries who pay the Celestial Dragon’s tribute. That would just weave together perfectly for Oda as it is clear about Dragon that he hates war. Although, he had been associated with declaring war on the Nobles but Vega Punk made it clear when they met at Ohara that Dragon hates war.
Even when the Revolutionary Army attacked the holy land, their aim was to destroy the food stores and get Kuma back instead of slaughtering all the Nobles. He was waging a resource war instead of a violent one. Although, Vega Punk said that before Luffy was born, so there is something regarding Luffy’s mom that changed Dragon’s attitude eventually.
Dragon’s History With the Freedom Fighters
Dragon’s history with the Freedom Fighters, which could have started anywhere from 38 to 25 years ago. It has been seen that they didn’t have a lot of money. Vegapunk considered it a rag tag operation and they incited riots in several countries 25 years ago. Dragon was a prominent figure within that group, as Kuma even looked up to him as a hero for his actions and wanted to save people.
When they came to sorbet 22 years ago, Dragon and Ivankov seem to be the top-ranking members and later on, Kuma also joined turning the two pillars of the organization into three, making a new identity as Revolutionary Army.
The question arises that Dragon formed the freedom fighters from scratch or was there a precceeding group of Freedom Fighters that Dragon joined and eventually took over?

Here, character named “Gabaro” enters the story. His official name is not known because the manga has used name Gabble and Gabo, but he was the one, who was featured in Caribou’s cover story, who looked just like Caribou. His connection with Freedom Fighters is that he was a revolutionist commander on Winter Island where Star Insignia was on his hat and his collar which might tie to what we saw in the panel where Dragon starts the Revolutionary Army. Three stars on his shirt means that those might tie to someone’s rank or length of service. The island where Gabaro was introduced for the first time, is still unnamed.
This island was said to be one of Kaido’s favorite islands and it seems to be a man-made Island because everything is metal, even the mountains in the back are fake because they were constructed in this panel when X Drake arrived during the time skip.
After defeating Scotch, he joined Kaido’s crew but then, the mountains were completed. The main gag with Gabaro in this cover story is that everyone mistook Caribou for Gabaro. There was even an old lady that took care of Caribou because Gabaro was her son and Caribou reminded her of him. Given her age, it’s possible Gabaro would be around Dragon’s age (55) if still alive. This can also point towards that Gabaro just started the Freedom Fighters but died at some point and then Dragon took over and the rest is history.
The Increasing Weight in the Story
If there’s a doubt that this cover story is going to hold any weight in the main story. This was one of the very few cover stories that actually got animated. In episode 921, there’s a slideshow of the cover story of Gabaro after Caribou’s introduction in Udon prison. Oda’s adding some emphasis on this character. They haven’t even animated Enel going to the Moon but they did do Gabaro. Apart from this, Caribou is becoming more important in the story by being with Blackbeard and maybe he’ll be revealing the location of some ancient weapons.

Another potential connection to Gabaro, is how the Revolutionary Army destroyed the Celestial Dragon’s food stores and now they’re having trouble getting more supplies. Caribou has been shown supplying large amounts of food to Luffy a couple of times.
If Caribou ends up working with Blackbeard, to feed all the Celestial Dragons and then get in their good graces. This would throw a huge wrench in Dragon’s plan. It could be an interesting way to lead into the Dragon’s and Gabaro’s connections. Maybe Caribou is directly conflicting with Gabaro. The actual lesson is that Dragon went too far by destroying all that food and Gabaro, perhaps was the previous owner of the Swamp Swamp fruit.
One of the other translations for his name is just “Gobble” as he gobbles things up, like Caribou does with food or even mermaids sometimes, so that could honestly fit. Maybe, he was even a marine with Dragon back in the day and they both got Wind Logia for getting promotions, but then they just left.
Considering what Dragon did after the Revolutionary Army started 22 years ago because there are a few major events that occurred around this time period.
- First one is the Ohara incident, which happened the same year, right before starting the Army.
- The next is Luffy’s birth which was 3 years after that or 19 years ago.
- Then Dragon getting his famous tattoo which happened some time before Jinny got captured 14 years ago.
Potential Connection Hidden in a Tattoo
What’s important about Dragon’s tattoo is that, it’s symbol is also seen on his leg, when he was just a freedom fighter so there is something important. It ties to Luffy or Luffy’s mom, even if his birth is what led him to getting it tattooed right on his face so there’s obviously some kind of history.

Some major points about the connection between Dragon and Kalgara includes that they both have tattoos on their face. Kalgara threw a giant canyon ball on a chain in his introduction which is similar to what Garp did, after we met him in Enie’s lobby and the Shandorian elders wore a dog mask like Garp does.
Wiper’s appearance is similar to Luffy. All of this basically makes it feel like Kalgara is probably a distant relative of the Monkey D family, so whatever dragon’s tattoo is, it’s definitely connects back to this lineage. It’s not necessary that dragon is associated with Skypiea, although, that won’t be surprising if he does have the Wind fruit, but rather that, he’s too serious about his ideals that he’ll put it right on his face as he’s not afraid to show what he’s about or pay homage to what’s important to him.
There are two guesses for what that tattoo might be symbolizing with the first one being something as simple as the reverse of the World Government logo. Instead of four lines connecting at the center, showing some sort of unification. It might be four lines being broken free from the center, like he wants countries to be in independent and free, instead of aiding in the world government’s Resource Network. He, obviously has been helping Islands do for years.
It can also be symbolizing the Poneglyphs with squares resembling the stones themselves and the lines on the outside be protecting them. This connects with Kalgara as protecting Poneglyph was his biggest goal and Dragon has also called Robin “The Light of the Revolution”, likely due to her ability to read the Poneglyphs as Dragon was close to Clover and the scholars, so he’s obviously very aware of the importance of the Poneglyphs.
The Unknown Name of Monkey D. Luffy
One major factor is whether, after Luffy’s birth in the Holy Land did these Celestial Dragons ever find out that Dragon was the father. People today obviously know that the famous Monkey D Luffy is Dragon’s son, but if Luffy was born in the Holy Land, he probably had a different name at first, like the one with “Saint” in it and probably his mom’s surname. This would be an Inversion to Ace situation, who was born as Gol D. Ace but took the name Portgas D. Ace instead.
What’s important is that if Luffy was then taken away by Dragon in secret and Luffy’s mom never revealed who the father was, then the Nobles would have no idea that the Luffy of today is the kid from back then. They wouldn’t even know that there’s a connection between Dragon and Luffy’s mom’s and the reason she died would be completely separate from Dragon.
Also, Dragon may have changed Luffy’s name to his own after that because having a Celestial Dragon name would basically be a death sentence for Luffy, if he lived among the commoners. It has been shown that with Doflamingo, how Tenryuubito were treated which is ironic because, although Dragon is the most wanted criminal in the world yet he is pretty popular amongst the common folks. Therefore, his name would still be safer for Luffy. This is most important because back when Luffy’s mom was pregnant, other nobles might have asked her who the father was.
It would have been a little suspicious if she kept it a secret and this leads to an interesting and a bit dark discussion about whether or not female Celestial Dragons could have multiple slave husbands as it has been seen male Celestial Dragons having multiple wives as seen in Charloss’s introduction in Sabaody as well as the Jinny situation.
An Alibi to Keep Baby Luffy Safe
It can be assumed that they could do that but the vital difference here between the groups is that the female Celestial Dragons would actually have to carry the baby if there were any slip-ups, so they’re selective about it and maybe they usually only have kids with other Celestial Dragons. This assumption is important because, it could have given Luffy’s mom an alibi. As Dragon sneak around with a hood over his head a lot of the time in the world, maybe when he visited her in the Holy Land, he just hid his identity and acted like a slave husband, perhaps her only one.
Moreover, it might be hard for Dragon to hide his identity while in Mary Geoise, nobody noticed that Rayleigh was also pretending to be a slave in the Sabaody auction house, so that is an example there. When Luffy’s mom got pregnant, she could maybe have even pinned it on dragon as an accident without revealing who’s the real father.
The other reason why this is vital, is that it gives a brand new context to Dragon’s decision regarding Jinny as well as Luffy’s connection to Bonney. Dragon would have been in Jinny’s shoes before. It’s not that he suffered nearly the same horrific outcome she did because Luffy’s mom probably treated Dragon like normal but he would at least understand the situation a little bit including how hard it is for people to escape.

If this is true, I bet Dragon have witnessed countless people coming up and trying to retrieve their loved ones, just to die and make things worse. More importantly, Dragon would have seen that even when one slave is saved, another one is soon kidnapped to take their place. In that element, it all brings up Fisher Tiger as he, initially escaped 16 years ago, but then returned 15 years ago to free even more slaves like Boa Hancock. Then 14 years ago, Jinny was taken. It’s conceivable that if Fisher Tiger had not gone and saved those slaves, then Jinny would not have been kidnapped.
As Nobles are always getting enslaved, but if the Celestial Dragons lost a bunch of slaves just one year prior to that, it does kind of make sense that they would go out trying to find new ones to replace them. This is the exact reason why Mjosgard made his way down to Fishman Island in the first place. He wanted to go get his slaves back that escaped a few years prior because of Fisher Tiger which makes all of this come full circle.
Fisher Tiger’s actions led to Mjosgard’s actions, which then led to Otohime’s situation and then led Fish-men and Merfolk closer to getting the chance to join the reverie and then the rest is basically history. Dragon might have known that, even if they went and saved Jinny, another person would be taken to suffer in her place and this juxtaposition of Dragon and Fisher Tiger’s decision-making is a perfect example of that mentioned earlier about the Dragons and Tigers in Chinese mythology.
Fisher Tiger’s View on Otohime’s Approach
The real kicker to all of this is that, what if Luffy’s mom was killed because she was the one responsible for freeing Fisher tiger due to which, she was put to death by the God’s Knights afterwards for helping the Fishman. Thus, truly paralleling Otohime and Mjosgard because she, not only saved a Fishman but it’s one of the most famous Fishman of all time-Fisher Tiger. Despite being enslaved and disliking the humans, he still never wanted his crew to kill them.
He even admitted at the end of his life that Otohime’s approach was the right one. If Mjosgard was reformed by Otohime in the past, then it would be sensible that Fisher Tiger could have been reformed by Otohime’s counterpart which in this case would obviously be Luffy’s mom. To be fair, It’s not known yet that Fisher Tiger was even freed by someone else, as much details weren’t given on how that happened in general, it’s not easy to escape the Holy Land, therefore, this theory seems to be plausible.

Something really significant here is that Luffy would have been around three years or maybe 2 and a half by the time Fisher Tiger was freed because he made it back to Fishman Island 16 years ago, which means he was likely freed earlier. That’s probably early enough to where Luffy isn’t going to remember anything so if Luffy’s mom was killed after that and then Dragon took him away in secret, it might be perfect time frame for Luffy to not to remember much of his earlier life, why Luffy never talked about it now?
There was once a time when he recalled something when Boa showed him the mark of the Celestials on her back and Luffy said that he had seen it somewhere before but he ended up thinking about the Sun Pirate’s symbol. However, he’s just misremembered as he did see the Celestial Dragon logo before in Mariejois when he was a little kid. Maybe, he even saw the one that the Revolutionary Army targeted during the reverie.
Celestial Dragon, Savior of the Serpent
What makes this idea hit even harder is that if Luffy’s mom didn’t freed Fisher Tiger then Fisher tiger wouldn’t have returned to free other slaves like Boa. This means that Luffy’s mom is then sort of responsible for the freedom of the woman who loves Luffy today-Boa. Without her actions, that connection would have never happened.
Fisher Tiger probably had Luffy’s mom executed by the God’s Knights just like Mjosgard was. Now, the big question here is what was Dragon’s response to all this. His response was nothing. While it is funny considering the joke that “Dragon never does anything” but that’s the beauty of this because if Dragon did do something like trying to save her or Escape or even fight the God’s Knight, he would have exposed himself.

That’s why, it’s really important to know whether the Celestial Dragons found out that Dragon was the father of that kid because if that was ever revealed, the Celestial Dragons would immediately killed Luffy or even if he escaped, it would reveal before world his true identity. That would harm Dragon’s status among his own Army and more importantly, the entire world who would not like hearing that he in a relationship with the enemy. It would put his entire life’s mission as well as his wife’s mission at risk and the whole world would look at Dragon like he’s a giant fraud.
It’s kind of ironic in that Sense, Dragon is sacrificing his stature among the readers to maintain the hope that the world has because of him. Imagining Dragon, standing right next to his wife who was being crucified, and he just sat there in silence or maybe he just walked away because he wanted to get Luffy and escape, all because of the goals that she and him had planned together and because they wanted to give Luffy a chance at a free life.
A major point which must be mentioned here is that, when Mjosgard died recently, it was said that the world would never hear about that event which is a stark contrast to how the Celestial Dragons normally make big spectacles of their executions to set examples out of people but for Mjosgard, maybe they just didn’t want the world having the example of a Celestial Dragon that could be good or could be human. Same goes for Luffy’s mom.
You’re Not Dead Until You’re Forgotten
Hiriluk has taught the readers that “you’re not dead until you’re forgotten.” as Luffy’s mom has been forgotten by almost the entire world and is scorned by the few people who remember her in the Holy Land except by Dragon. Although, she wouldn’t have cared about that at all because at the end of the day, they both just wanted their son and the world to be free which would have been impossible, if Luffy just stayed up in the Holy Land and lived as a noble. He would have been confined to a certain lifestyle that he probably wouldn’t like.

Looking back at Dragon’s first interaction with Sabo, who was also a noble. Sabo told him how rotten the people are within his home district. He also told that if he stays there, he will never be free. Perhaps, Dragon and Luffy’s mom thought the very same thing about Luffy back in the day. Sabo further said that he was ashamed to be born in Noble and Dragon sort of thought to himself, “See, what this place have driven this innocent child to say.”
This further highlights how aware Dragon is, about what nobility does to people. Later on, Dragon even made a very important comment to Ivankov where he said, “Even a rotten land like this can still produce good in his children.” Maybe, he knows this lesson so well because his son is a shining example of it. It’s that “Whole nature verse nurture” concept. People aren’t born being terrible but they can learn to be so. For Luffy, Dragon probably knew that he would never be free living in the Holy Land nor would he be free if the world discovered about his noble background.
He was stuck in that regard. Therefore, only one path was left for Dragon to take, which was to get Luffy out of the Holy Land without revealing his identity. This reflects upon the fact that Dragon doesn’t get to retaliate at all, knowing that he could not do anything, even if he was stronger than the gods Knights because then Luffy would not get to live a free life which could set up a mega reveal later on.
Inevitable Clash Between Luffy & the Nobles
When the other Nobles find out that Luffy is the kid from back then, this will build their grudge stronger against each other if Luffy finds out that the Nobles killed his mom and the Nobles find out that Luffy’s mom was responsible for freeing one of the fishmen.
This could potentially provide a segue for Luffy and the Celestial Dragons to eventually work together. Luffy could be an example of a Celestial Dragon who didn’t grew up being taught that he was a “God of the World” and he ended up being all right. This is ironic as he’s now the ”Sun God”, but that gives some Credence to the idea that the Celestial Dragons are just the people who’ve been taught to behave a certain way.
If the Celestial Dragons weren’t taught that they can own slaves, then maybe they wouldn’t have grown up being “Giant Pieces of Human Trash”. If Luffy was somehow able to change them from within, not to redeem them, but maybe make them slightly better. This would be like Luffy is completing his mother’s and making the Celestial Dragons, see the error in their ways.
Luffy’s Mom’s Name
Another mystery is what’s Luffy’s mom’s name. Considering the names of Sanji’s and Zoro’s Mothers-Sora and Tera respectively. Sora means ”sky” in Japanese and Tera is a word that basically means “Earth” in different languages, but this sky and Earth connection might provide some ideas about what Luffy’s mom’s name is.
The first idea which might be obvious at this point, is the name “Umi” which means “sea” in Japanese. which would kind of complete the trio with the other moms, but that would also be spelled the backwards to the name “Imu” which would be a cool twist. One issue with this is that we actually have somebody named Umi in the story. Umi was Robin’s instructor when Robin was undercover in the Wano Arc.
If Oda is not going for this name then another great option would be the name “Celeste” or “Celestia” because that means “Heavens” which makes sense, since Luffy is the “Sun God”. It would be funny if Oda made Luffy’s parents named “Celeste” and “Dragon”, pointing at “Celestial Dragon”, like he was hiding the fact that Luffy was one all along feel like that’s something Oda would do.
Admiral Greenbull’s Link with the Celestial Dragon
Apart from all, another person who may be soon revealed to be related to Celestial Dragons is Admiral Greenbull. When he was introduced in Wano, he immediately started preaching about how prejudice breed stability and how Humanity has only gotten this far by enforcing hierarchies. It already sounds a lot like how the Celestial Dragons think. More importantly, Greenbull also looks a lot like our Donquixote Homing which points towards a connection between them.

They probably aren’t siblings because Greenbull is not currently a Celestial Dragon. As it is certain that some part of the Donquixote family did leave the Holy Land at some point but that doesn’t really lead the fans anywhere as they all died, except for Doflamingo. However, fans did got a look at Mjosgard’s dad in one of the flashbacks and he honestly looks nothing like him, but he does look like someone else which is King Bori, the man who tried to overthrow Sorbet Kingdom, a couple of times but was thwarted by Kuma and the Revolutionary Army. Bori, was basically a “wannabe” Celestial Dragon and had all the qualifications as far as personality goes at least.
Bori was beaten the first time 22 years ago when Greenbull would have been 19 years old and the way Bori looked back then, He definitely could’ve been around 40 at that point. It does lines up timeline wise. Maybe Bori’s parents also left Mariejois long ago, which means that now Greenbull is like someone who acts like a world noble, while Mjosgard was a world noble who came now to respect the commoners.
The mystery about Luffy’s mother are still unresolved however there exists multiple ties and connection are providing an insight to the fans regarding Luffy’s mom, his childhood and consequences which led to the death of his mother. The behavior of Dragon and the way he has always avoided disclosing about Luffy as his child points towards some tragic past of the family. There was some sort of major misery that stole Luffy’s mom from him and turned Dragon into what he is now.
In order to get answers of these queries the readers must stay tuned for the upcoming updates from Oda and the scenarios of the ongoing Arc.
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